
Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th July - in Borkum

Borkum has not gone down in our log as a place we would rush back to but there were strong winds forecast for Wednesday and we had some jobs to do so we decided to stay put for a couple of days anyway. 

On Tuesday we walked 5km to town through nature reserve and along a beautiful wild beach which greatly improved our impression. The rather tamer beaches nearer town have basket chairs for hire, which we didn't, and ice creams to buy, which we did, and beer.

It would have been a nicer day if the laptop hadn't packed up. 

On Wednesday Howard operated on the laptop at length and ordered a replacement part which may or may not give it a new lease of life. We'll have to wait a while before it turns up, and find other ways of doing our admin.

The bar restaurant in the Yacht Harbour looked after us pretty well during our stay what with endless coffees while we used their WiFi, a fine lunch one day and a few glasses in the evenings. There were 2 workboats in the bigger commercial harbour from a company Howard's done some work for and they had some "weather days" and a crew change so there was a social element which kicked in for us that we hadn't expected. Cheers!


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