A sailing boat again!!

Wednesday 28th June

On the Markermeer with Slartibartfast in hot pursuit
14.7 nautical miles and we sailed all the way

Taken by Jantine on Slartibartfast - proof that we are a sailing boat again

Set off 1pm and only an hour or so later there's a message on the phone. Jantine and Cees are about a mile behind and catching up fast. Slartibartfast is a modern boat and looks and sails accordingly. (They used to have a gaffer and even that was modern and fast).

They pass us once but then slow right down - the Markermeer is quite shallow and in this area the weed grows thickly under the water. Their speedy deep modern keel is a hindrance now with its vertical edge - they keep having to stop and reverse to clear it. As Cees puts it "we are sailing with an island on our keel". Of course the weed doesn't help us for ever and off they sail into the distance - but the ice cold beer they offer us later in Marken makes up for it.

Message below the waterline

Marken lighthouse - we turn here but still have quite a way to go yet

On the way in we pass this oddity - not on our chart!!


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