Hellevoetsluis with good friends

Saturday 17th June

Oude Tonge to Hellevoetsluis - 25nm

Sails up, engine off and we sail all the way to the Volkerak lock. The locks here open and close all day long but some of the bridges operate to a strict timetable. One such is the Haringvliet Bridge. We are on our way to meet up with gaffer chums Else and Edgar in Hellevoetsluis and Else has saved us the agony of decyphering the Almanac by texting us the bridge opening times. We make the 3pm opening with time to spare and then it's a sunny motor directly into the wind to get there in time for the club barbeque they have invited us to.

Making best speed through the open bridge into the Haringvliet

Tied up alongside Windbrekker in Helius Marina

Howard and Edgar waste no time getting down to nitty-gritty boat stuff

By the time we asked someone to take our photo the remains of excellent barbeque and beer and wine had all been removed - we really didn't sit there for long with just water. View from the window included boats and a great view across the Haringvliet - shame the camera only picked up the car park.

We finished the evening with a great walk around the ramparts and an ice cream by the old harbour. What a treat to be here for once with no racing!!
Lovely to see you both Else and Edgar - thanks for your hospitality


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