2 week "break" in Finland - Part 1 Yyteri

30th May to 9th June

The inverted commas around "break" to refer to our 2 weeks in Finland are an acknowledgement that Howard had to work so it wasn't exactly a break. And it was night shifts too which was a bad surprise. I went along too, never having visited Finland and the only real downside was having to keep out of the room or tiptoe around a sleeping worker for most of the day.

We did both enjoy a couple of days as tourists once the replacement skipper turned up.

Not strictly part of Bonify's summer cruise but here are some photos and commentary - suspiciously like a series of holiday snaps so you have been warned - make sure you are in the mood to wade through this lot.:

Station platform at Arnemuiden: what the hell is all this baggage?

Here's the proof that 2 beers in Stockholm airport cost almost £16 - we didn't have any more

Our next flight on to Pori:  Bit of a swiz splashing "NextJet" all over this plane - NextProp maybe?

Yyteri Beach from our room in the Spa Hotel -  shadows are long but sunset is not till 11pm

First day Howard's not working till evening so we go out exploring - chilly here at 8 degrees

Easy trails to follow in the woods

Looks fun but not for me thanks

These kids need to pick their wire rather carefully here

We emerge onto the beach

Chilly and windy - the hotel is along there somewhere in the distance, well hidden

I only really made 2 excursions from Yyteri while Howard was working. The first was by bus to Pori which is the nearest big town and the one we flew into:

While Howard sleeps off his first night's work I take the bus to Pori to have a look around - didn't take many photos!

Keeping out of the hotel room while Howard sleeps means setting up my office in the breakfast room - nice view!

I could sit here for hours - which is lucky cos that's what I'll be doing - when I'm not on the beach or in the spa

Hotel meals are pricey so we stock up from the local shop for picnics in the room. I found a microwave we can use so here's the soup selection. Traditional white fish soup on the left and smoked reindeer on the right

I got the use of the hire car one day when I went to meet a new crew member from the airport so i took the opportunity and drove to Reposaari - little town of wooden houses. Found this pretty cafe hidden in the woods

I had to try a typical cinnamon bun but too stodgy for me - give me a pain au chocolat any day

If you can be bothered to try and work this out that big long hooked bit of mainland is where we are staying, second bay down is Yyteri, that big sweeping beach we walked along. There's a causeway to the islands and Resposaari is on the southern tip of the outer island which pokes back down towards the mainland.

Wooden church

Wooden houses

Wooden school

Next some pictures taken on Yyteri beach - it did warm up to 14 degrees and was delightful

View of the spa from the beach

Hotel - not pretty but very well camouflaged once down on the beach
Romantic spot to watch the sunset (but you'll wait a long time for it)

Not our castles in the sand

There's wildlife here as well as humans

That's it for staying at Yyteri - we spent quite a bit of time in the spa - swimming and hot tub, but no photos of that, sorry!

I found out just too late from a Finnish friend of a friend that Rauma would have been another good place to visit by bus but by then Howard was on his last shift, and we were planning a weekend break to see a bit more of  Finland before resuming our summer cruise.


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