Phoenix: Monitor self steering Part 3

Bank Holiday - Monday 1st May

Putting it all back together again is a fiddly business, not achieved here at the first attempt.
There are 18 of these little bleeders in each of 2 races. When we ordered them from the USA they explained that they always supply a few extra as they find their customers have a tendency to donate some to Neptune or the workshop gremlins. Certainly Howard said he wouldn't fancy taking this job on at sea.
You can't use grease to hold them in place as they are designed to remain dry so Howard perfected some trick involving masking tape which he removed once it was assembled. Must hide my best kitchen knives if he has to have it in bits again.

The little ball bearings are nylon and very fiddly

All the practise removing splinters while working on a timber framed house is now paying off

Spares for Neptune and the workshop gremlins

Starting to come together

Tuesday 2nd May

Today is the day for seeing whether it all fits back into place. Clive takes a break from his own fitting out to lend a hand. When it was fitted previously that trim tab on the back of the rudder wasn't there so the question now is to what extent it will foul the self steering (or vice versa)...

It fits - just about - but Howard's knitted brows give away his doubts

Spot also the lovely new white line

The white line had to go on quick before the rain came - for the record twice round Bonify's ample girth with masking tape is equal to almost exactly one roll.

Rubbing strake has its first coat too - the wood is now looking much less thirsty

Altogether a busy day - but still time to chat - it's Martin Hare!!


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