Parade of sail at Gravelines

Parade of Sail - Sunday 21st May

The parade of sail is early to catch the tide...

Local boats in the parade of sail - heading out

Once back in the harbour we put our flags up and enjoy the barbeque on the quay

Merguez sizzling

Loaves and fishes

No bottle opener but this convenient shutter fitting does the trick

Our contribution to the BBQ was a case of assorted Hobgoblin ales. The colourful illustrated labelling caused quite a stir and one young Frenchman insisted on buying a couple from us to keep unopened in his fancy bottle collection – for the record he went for the Halloween Ale and Dr Thirsty's. Shameful waste of tasty beer. Hobgoblin have it right with their slogan: “Afraid you might taste something Lager Boy?”

Bunting is up - neighbour is Lady Grey - lovely people on board


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