Work continues over Easter

Easter Monday 17th April

Sunday was due to be wet so we made it a day for working on the house - then it didn't rain. Typical! But we do have a new door frame and a hole for it to fit into so progress was made, just not on Bonify.

Monday is bright though chilly to start - that's our excuse for starting the day with a couple of idle hours spent over coffee with gaffer friends in West Mersea. Eventually we make it to Walton and progress is made.

Howard's tackling a chunk of rubbing strake which has rotted below the scuppers

Amputation is the way forward

It won't be replaced immediately or we'll never get on the water

Primer first - it will look better when it's red

Rubbing strake (what's left of it) is going to look the best it has for years

Meanwhile in the cockpit I'm doing some tarting up of my own

Undercoat of Sikkens

Tuesday 18th April

Howard's work on the rubbing strake continues on Tuesday, this time on the starboard side and produces mirror image photos which are too similar to be worth posting here.
The doghouse, cockpit coaming and footwell are all ready for varnish but it's cold and quite windy again so I get on with Sikkens topcoat instead.


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